It's been so so long. :)
Blogger states that my last post was on December 29, 2009!!!It's almost 11 months! Gosh!
Ok, I had many subjects to write about, and thoughts coming to my mind at god-speed about all of them. But I think my poor blog has seen me frustrated enough;).
The past year has been so eventful that I don't even remember half of it. It went so fast! By the way, the other day I was watching this movie called 'Interstate 60', and in addition to drooling over James Marsden, I actually paid an unusual amount of attention to the movie.
It's about choices, about what you'd wish for if you could have just one wish granted and how small decisions could change your life. I won't summarise the movie because I would like the curious enough ones to actually watch it:).
Well, a few days back, I was judged by my nail paint. Yes, my nail paint. It so happens, that I apply nail paint once in a few months and that was one such day. And some person actually judged me, while not caring to tell me what he'd arrived to. Was I, according to that person, vain or childish or what? But that didn't bother me. What bothered me was how easily some person who doesn't know me that well, judged me.
Well, judging some person is more of an instinct for humans. You can't help but form an image about a certain person, while taking abundant liberty of satisfying your own insecurities, while at it. I have done it, so I know. But what I also know is that, I always try to be flexible, beacause you can't really completely understand a person, ever. I am always open to making changes in that image I've created based on the experiences I've had with the person, or the details I get to know. And I've always found that a human is always vulnerable, always good at heart. Somewhere along the way something goes wrong, and the person puts on a mask.
Well, I told that friend of mine,that judging someone based on something so trivial, is really sad. Because you close the door on so many aspects of a person you could have known. Hmph! Well, I was then told something about psychoanalysis and how a person shows aspects of his personality in every little action and that the friend of mine always understands a person right. I bet Freud must have shifted in his grave at that one;)!!!
I had a hundred things in my mind to say at that point, but I just said thank you and the conversation thus ended. Thank you because, my image of him changed at that point. Judging me just made me judge him back, and I had a solid basis. But in a few hours, I settled down, and I thought he must have had a bad day or something. I don't blame him for anything, he must have had his own issues.
Human mind is a complex thing. People spend years and years and it still is a mystery. Dr. Sigmond Freud defined, in his theory, three thing, Id, ego and superego. Id is the basic raw instinct a child is born with. He acquires ego and superego eventually that make him socially more acceptable or basically tame him a little. And then Freud goes on to explain his theory of how a person has stages in his life that he called, the oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, the genital stage and the latent stage and how each stage has a specific erogenous zone, He talks about odiepus complex and electra complex, that tell us that a girl child is sexually attracted to her father and a male child to his mother. All in all, I find his theory very very hard to digest, and that is putting it mildly.
So many people have since then tried to explain human psychology , but the human mind is still a mystery. And for people like us, who haven't done an in-depth study or just have a vague idea, to go on and claim to judge people and do psychoanalysis and talk about psychosomatic disorders is very immature.
It is because of judging someone, that we do not try and see him in a different light. People get stuck in their own assumptions about people around them and lose out on trying to know and discover the wonderful possibilities, that could have been. That is very sad.
There are many facets to a human being, many aspects, many layers and getting to know each one is a blessing because in the end it is always a good person wronged. I believe in God, not the idol form maybe, but I talk to my God everyday and He probably is the only one who knows me in and out, through the many layers right to my soul. And I don't give anybody else the right to come, judge me and judge me wrongly, scar me and then go away. The important thing is to not be affected because somebody else's version of you,is hardly ever right.
We all are gems, dirty, unpolished and probably unrecognized but gems alright. It's our destiny to shine, spread light and remember that no matter what anyone says or does, it won't change who we are......